Thursday, September 26, 2019

One Shot Wonder Silent movie

Today for Cybersmart our group were making a One Shot Wonder movie within one minute. This movie was a silent movie. Our theme was to make a movie about winning the Lottery. So we hope you enjoy this movie.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

This is my Share word art DLO that i have been working on for Cybersmart.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Malala Story Starring Astyn, Damian, Ryan, Nigel and Patrick.

This story is about the life of Malala. Malala became the youngest person to win the nobel peace prize. Malala stood up for woman's rights so that girls could have some education too.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My favourite WWE action figure

Damian’s favourite WWE action figure    

Image result for randy orton action figure with money in the bank briefcase
My favourite WWE action figure is Randy Orton. He has a blue shirt, has black pants and has Money in the bank briefcase. On the briefcase it says money in the bank. I first got him last year for Christmas. I play with him and all my other action figures. Sometimes I pretend that I’m doing the commentary and is the ring announcer. 

I pretended that he won the Money in the Bank briefcase in 2013. I also pretended that he cashed in on the Big Show to become the world heavyweight champion. That’s why I love playing with Randy Orton.    

Friday, March 22, 2019

Looking out the school window

                          Looking out the school window

                          As I look through the school window I can see hairy bushes at the end of our school field that look like big green balls. I can also see light green grass blowing in the wind like tree leaves. Something else I can see is a flag pole that looks like a rocket. There's also a pole that has a light on it that glows in the night brightly

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

My Pepeha
Malo lava.
Ko Puketapapa toku maunga.
Ko Moananui a kiwa toku Moana.
Ko Christ the king toku kura.
Ko Tamaki Makaurau toku iwi
Ko Mt.Roskill toku hapu.
No Hamoa ahau.
Ko Wesley prior toku Papa.
Ko Marcella Ah kuoi toku mama.
Ko Damian toku ingoa.

No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.